Have you tried multiple options to lose weight with limited success? While you might see some initial results from these options, they usually aren’t lasting and can even hurt your long-term health. There are many unique benefits to consulting with an experienced weight loss physician including:

  • a comprehensive approach to weight management
  • evaluate your general health
  • works with your primary care physician
  • see if there are any health issues contributing to your weight gain
  • discuss a personalized & medically based plan to help you lose weight
  • determine the source of your weight gain

Properly analyzing your bodyweight

First, your physician will want to assess whether your current bodyweight is healthy or not. This entails measuring your weight and height to calculate your body mass index (BMI).

You could also have your waist measured. Measuring your midsection is a good way to check you’re not carrying too much fat around your stomach, which can raise your risk of heart disease or type 2 diabetes.

Your weight loss physician may take your blood pressure and carry out other tests, such as a blood test, to check for any health conditions that may be contributing to your weight.

You can also check your BMI by using an online BMI calculator.

Diet and workouts

If you’re overweight, changes to your diet and exercise levels are the first step to helping you drop weight.

Your physician can help you review your current diet and levels of exercise and set weight loss goals & tracking methods for improvement.


Once your weight loss physician has a comprehensive picture of your diet and exercise level, they can help a weight loss program for you.

Together, you will work out a game plan to lose weight healthily and keep it off.

Your physician usually schedules monthly or weekly follow-up appointments, to track your progress.

Other support services

Medical weight loss practices such as drericprimex.com can team with other weight loss service providers to help fill in any gaps on providing weight loss care.

If it’s the best solution, you may be referred for exercise classes with a qualified personal trainer.

Surgical options for weight loss

Another option your weight loss physician may talk to you about is weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery is usually only recommended for people with a BMI of at minimum 40. 

The option of having weight loss surgery can work but it’s a major procedure that comes with health risks of its own.

Medications for weight loss

If you’ve made changes to your diet and levels of exercise but you’re not losing a significant amount of weight, your weight loss physician may recommend medicines that can help.

Medicines are typically only used if your BMI is at least 30.

Weight loss medications prescribed for weight loss include Ozempic/Semaglutide. For more information on the right weight loss medication for you, see primexweightloss.com.

A weight loss physician is your best solution for weight management.

No more up & down dieting, no more trendy diets, just a physician and his/her team giving you all the tools, attention, and support you need to achieve your weight loss goals and live life as the best healthiest you possible.

If you’re interested in signing up or learning more about medical weight loss treatment, contact us at PRIMEX at 1-740-777-9717 or eric@drericfete.com to learn more about the FDA approved weight loss drugs that we have available in our comprehensive PRIMEX weight loss programs[Available live in Ohio or online tele-medicine nationwide].  and see if it’s right for you.

& Be sure to check out the drericprimex.com website & Dr. Eric Primex YouTube page Instagram page & Facebook pages for informative videos and posts on all things weight loss and health.

By Dr. Eric Fete, The Fitness Physician, certified bio identical hormone optimization & weight loss  expert and founder of Primex Weight Loss & Primex Cellular Nutrition and Fitness [Available live in Ohio or online tele-medicine nationwide].